Tiny Ranch is de enige echte voorloper van de populaire huidige Tiny house.
Dit kleine chaletje had wel een flinke renovatie nodig. Er is 7 maanden dagelijks aan verbouwd. Tiny Ranch biedt ruimte voor 1 of 2 personen.
Tiny Ranch ligt midden op een gezellige camping in Harderwijk

'' Want to feel like you’re living in a small classic cowboy ranch house? The Tiny Ranch has that charme and can be your living place for a while. It's not located in the USA but on a campground in the middle of the Netherlands.
In this home you almost feel like living in a scene of Once upon a time in the west.
Tiny Ranch is tiny! It's a one or two person living place, has a bedroom, shower, small kitchen and a big couch to watch tv.
In the small garden you can park one car ( or horse).
A couple of relaxing chairs on the front porch will make this tiny house into a perfect small ranch getaway.''